- Fast paced and tactical gaming similar to Counter-Strike
- Chat & original Counter-Strike radio messages
- Fog of war only lets you see enemies in your field of view (optional)
- Bots (AI) available for on- and offline gaming (Lua scripted)
- Advanced serverlist with sorting, filters, internet servers, LAN servers, favorites and recently joined lists
- Friends system and user authentication (U.S.G.N.)
- Listen servers (
- Headless dedicated servers (
- Spraylogo-, map- and filetransfer
- RCon (remote control) for servers
- Voting, kicking, banning, mapcycles and many settings
- Server player ranking and stats (in-game and as HTML output)
Game Modes
- Standard (like Counter-Strike)
- Deathmatch
- Team Deathmatch
- Construction
- Zombies!
Map Types With Special Goals
- DE: bomb defuse
- CS: hostage rescue
- AS: VIP assassination
- CTF: capture the flag
- DOM: domination
Weapons & Items
- ALL original Counter-Strike 1.6 weapons, including the tactical shield, using original sounds
- Fancy special armors (including a medic armor and a stealth armor)
- Medikits & bandages (instant health recovery on pickup)
- Money items (gain money by collecting them)
- Close combat: machete, wrench, claw, chainsaw
- Special "grenades": flare, molotov cocktail, gas grenade, airstrike, snowball
- Launchers: RPG launcher, rocket launcher, grenade launcher
- Mines: mines, laser mines
- And more: flamethrower, laser, portal gun, ... - over 70 different items in total!
Create & Extend
- Sounds and graphics can be replaced
- Create your own spraylogos
- Easy to use map editor
- Entity & trigger system
- Modify & extend with Lua scripts
- Console & buy scripts
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