Reference for console commands, Lua hooks and Lua commands in CS2D.
- Console Commands are entered in console, executed with key-binds, cfg-files or with Lua parse
- Lua Hooks execute Lua when events occur - some have a return value which can change the game behavior
- Lua Commands are used to retrieve game data or to perform actions in Lua scripts
CS2D Console Commands
Lua Hooks
Category: all (79)
- always
- assist
- attack
- attack2
- bombdefuse
- bombexplode
- bombplant
- break
- build
- buildattempt
- buy
- clientdata
- clientsetting
- collect
- connect
- connect_attempt
- connect_initplayer
- die
- disconnect
- dominate
- drop
- endround
- flagcapture
- flagtake
- flashlight
- hit
- hitzone
- hostagedamage
- hostagekill
- hostagerescue
- hostageuse
- httpdata
- itemfadeout
- join
- key
- kill
- leave
- log
- mapchange
- menu
- minute
- move
- movetile
- ms100
- name
- objectdamage
- objectkill
- objectupgrade
- parse
- projectile
- projectile_impact
- radio
- rcon
- reload
- say
- sayteam
- sayteamutf8
- sayutf8
- second
- select
- serveraction
- shieldhit
- shutdown
- spawn
- specswitch
- spray
- startround
- startround_prespawn
- suicide
- team
- trigger
- triggerentity
- turretscan
- use
- usebutton
- vipescape
- voice
- vote
- walkover
- assist: ID of player who assisted to kill the victim
- victim: ID of player who got killed
- killer: ID of player who killed the victim
When a player assists another player to kill a third player. Assisting players are shown in the kill info (killer + assistant [weapon] victim) and they also receive an assist in the scoreboard.
You can use return 1 with this hook to ignore the assist. In that case the player will NOT be displayed as assistant in the kill info and he won't receive an assist point.
You can use return 1 with this hook to ignore the assist. In that case the player will NOT be displayed as assistant in the kill info and he won't receive an assist point.
Note: A player only counts as assistant if he dealt at least 40 damage to the victim. Only one player can count as assistant for a kill.
Return Values
- 0: proceed normally (count and display assist)
- 1: don't count and display the assist (the related kill will be displayed and counted normally but without assist)