Reference for console commands, Lua hooks and Lua commands in CS2D.
- Console Commands are entered in console, executed with key-binds, cfg-files or with Lua parse
- Lua Hooks execute Lua when events occur - some have a return value which can change the game behavior
- Lua Commands are used to retrieve game data or to perform actions in Lua scripts
CS2D Console Commands
Category: all (371)
- ah
- ak47
- alias
- aliases
- attack
- attack2
- aug
- autobuy
- autoscreen
- autoswitch
- awp
- back
- banip
- banname
- bans
- bansteam
- banusgn
- bind
- bot
- bot_add
- bot_add_ct
- bot_add_t
- bot_autofill
- bot_count
- bot_freeze
- bot_jointeam
- bot_keepfreeslots
- bot_kill
- bot_prefix
- bot_remove
- bot_remove_all
- bot_remove_ct
- bot_remove_t
- bot_skill
- bot_weapons
- bullets
- buy
- buyammo1
- buyammo2
- buyequip
- changelevel
- changemap
- chooseteam
- clear
- clientport
- close
- cmsg
- connections
- console
- copyaddress
- customkill
- damageobject
- damagetile
- deagle
- deathnoticeimg
- deathslap
- debug
- debugai
- debuglog
- debuglua
- debugstats
- defuser
- disconnect
- dmgindicator
- download
- drawradar
- drop
- echo
- effect
- elite
- elites
- endround
- equip
- exec
- exit
- explosion
- famas
- flare
- flash
- flashlight
- flashplayer
- flashposition
- fn57
- forward
- fowalpha
- fowdetails
- fps
- freeprojectile
- g3sg1
- galil
- glock
- gore
- grenademode
- hegren
- hudtxt
- hudtxt2
- hudtxtalphafade
- hudtxtclear
- hudtxtcolorfade
- hudtxtmove
- hud_fastswitch
- hud_takesshots
- include
- invnext
- invprev
- items
- itemshadows
- kick
- kill
- killobject
- killplayer
- lastinv
- left
- lefthand
- listbans
- listplayers
- localport
- logaddress_add
- logaddress_remove
- logaddress_removeall
- logbatch
- logmaxflushrate
- logsplit
- logstamp
- lua
- luareset
- m249
- m3
- m4a1
- mac10
- makect
- makespec
- maket
- map
- mapinfo
- maps
- mapshadows
- mapsounds
- markplayer
- memory
- menuselect
- menu_lanscanport
- mp5
- mp_antispeeder
- mp_autogamemode
- mp_autoteambalance
- mp_building_health
- mp_building_limit
- mp_building_price
- mp_buymenu
- mp_buytime
- mp_c4timer
- mp_connectionlimit
- mp_curtailedexplosions
- mp_damagefactor
- mp_deathdrop
- mp_dispenser_health
- mp_dispenser_money
- mp_dmspawnmoney
- mp_dropgrenades
- mp_flashlight
- mp_floodprot
- mp_floodprotignoretime
- mp_freezetime
- mp_grenaderebuy
- mp_hostagepenalty
- mp_hovertext
- mp_hud
- mp_hudscale
- mp_idleaction
- mp_idlekick
- mp_idletime
- mp_infammo
- mp_kevlar
- mp_kickpercent
- mp_killbuildingmoney
- mp_killbuildings
- mp_killinfo
- mp_killteambuildings
- mp_lagcompensation
- mp_lagcompensationdivisor
- mp_localrconoutput
- mp_luamap
- mp_luaserver
- mp_mapgoalscore
- mp_mapvoteratio
- mp_maxclientsip
- mp_maxrconfails
- mp_natholepunching
- mp_pinglimit
- mp_postspawn
- mp_radar
- mp_randomspawn
- mp_recoil
- mp_reservations
- mp_respawndelay
- mp_roundlimit
- mp_roundtime
- mp_shotweakening
- mp_smokeblock
- mp_startmoney
- mp_supply_items
- mp_teamkillpenalty
- mp_teleportreload
- mp_tempbantime
- mp_timelimit
- mp_tkpunish
- mp_trace
- mp_turretdamage
- mp_unbuildable
- mp_unbuyable
- mp_vulnerablehostages
- mp_weaponfadeout
- mp_winlimit
- mp_wpndmg
- mp_wpndmg_z1
- mp_wpndmg_z2
- mp_zombiedmg
- mp_zombiekillequip
- mp_zombiekillscore
- mp_zombierecover
- mp_zombiespeedmod
- msg
- name
- netinfo
- nick
- nightvision
- nvgs
- p228
- p90
- particles
- playershadows
- quit
- radio1
- radio2
- radio3
- rcon
- rcon_password
- rcon_pw
- rebuy
- recoil
- relativemovement
- reload
- removeitem
- render3d
- renderdecals
- renderdecoration
- reroute
- resources
- restart
- restartround
- right
- say
- sayteam
- scout
- screenshot
- server
- serveraction1
- serveraction2
- serveraction3
- serverinfo
- setammo
- setarmor
- setassists
- setdeaths
- sethealth
- setmaxhealth
- setmoney
- setmvp
- setname
- setpos
- setscore
- setteamscores
- settile
- setweapon
- SG550
- sg552
- sgren
- shadows
- shadowshade_obstacle
- shadowshade_wall
- shadowz_obstacles
- shadowz_wall
- shadow_angle
- shadow_frameskipping
- shake
- shield
- showscores
- slap
- slot0
- slot1
- slot10
- slot2
- slot3
- slot4
- slot5
- slot6
- slot7
- slot8
- slot9
- snapshot
- sounddriver
- soundmode
- spawnitem
- spawnnpc
- spawnobject
- spawnplayer
- spawnprojectile
- specmode
- specplayer
- speed
- speedmod
- spray
- spraycolor
- spraylogo
- strip
- sv_checkusgnlogin
- sv_daylighttime
- sv_forcelight
- sv_fow
- sv_friendlyfire
- sv_gamemode
- sv_gm
- sv_hostport
- sv_lan
- sv_map
- sv_maptransfer
- sv_maxplayers
- sv_msg
- sv_msg2
- sv_name
- sv_offscreendamage
- sv_password
- sv_rcon
- sv_rconusers
- sv_restart
- sv_restartround
- sv_sound
- sv_sound2
- sv_soundpos
- sv_specmode
- sv_spraytransfer
- sv_stopsound
- sv_usgnonly
- team
- tileanimations
- tmp
- transfer_speed
- trigger
- triggerposition
- ump45
- unban
- unbanall
- unbindall
- use
- usgn_addserver
- usgn_info
- usgn_pw
- usgn_user
- usp
- vest
- vesthelm
- visibleshots
- volume
- vote
- votemap
- votemenu
- weapon
- wiggle
- win
- xm1014
- player (0-32): id of a player or 0 for all
Clears all HUD texts created with hudtxt or hudtxt2.
Can either be executed for a specific player only (ID 1-32) or for all players by setting player to 0!
Clearing HUD texts is equal to setting all to empty strings. They will become invisible instantly and it will also remove all applied effects (hudtxtmove/hudtxtalphafade/hudtxtcolorfade).
Lua Hooks
Lua Commands
- player (0-32): id of a player or 0 for all
Clears all HUD texts created with hudtxt or hudtxt2.
Can either be executed for a specific player only (ID 1-32) or for all players by setting player to 0!
Clearing HUD texts is equal to setting all to empty strings. They will become invisible instantly and it will also remove all applied effects (hudtxtmove/hudtxtalphafade/hudtxtcolorfade).
Can either be executed for a specific player only (ID 1-32) or for all players by setting player to 0!
Clearing HUD texts is equal to setting all to empty strings. They will become invisible instantly and it will also remove all applied effects (hudtxtmove/hudtxtalphafade/hudtxtcolorfade).