Reference for console commands, Lua hooks and Lua commands in CS2D.
- Console Commands are entered in console, executed with key-binds, cfg-files or with Lua parse
- Lua Hooks execute Lua when events occur - some have a return value which can change the game behavior
- Lua Commands are used to retrieve game data or to perform actions in Lua scripts
CS2D Console Commands
Category: all (371)
- ah
- ak47
- alias
- aliases
- attack
- attack2
- aug
- autobuy
- autoscreen
- autoswitch
- awp
- back
- banip
- banname
- bans
- bansteam
- banusgn
- bind
- bot
- bot_add
- bot_add_ct
- bot_add_t
- bot_autofill
- bot_count
- bot_freeze
- bot_jointeam
- bot_keepfreeslots
- bot_kill
- bot_prefix
- bot_remove
- bot_remove_all
- bot_remove_ct
- bot_remove_t
- bot_skill
- bot_weapons
- bullets
- buy
- buyammo1
- buyammo2
- buyequip
- changelevel
- changemap
- chooseteam
- clear
- clientport
- close
- cmsg
- connections
- console
- copyaddress
- customkill
- damageobject
- damagetile
- deagle
- deathnoticeimg
- deathslap
- debug
- debugai
- debuglog
- debuglua
- debugstats
- defuser
- disconnect
- dmgindicator
- download
- drawradar
- drop
- echo
- effect
- elite
- elites
- endround
- equip
- exec
- exit
- explosion
- famas
- flare
- flash
- flashlight
- flashplayer
- flashposition
- fn57
- forward
- fowalpha
- fowdetails
- fps
- freeprojectile
- g3sg1
- galil
- glock
- gore
- grenademode
- hegren
- hudtxt
- hudtxt2
- hudtxtalphafade
- hudtxtclear
- hudtxtcolorfade
- hudtxtmove
- hud_fastswitch
- hud_takesshots
- include
- invnext
- invprev
- items
- itemshadows
- kick
- kill
- killobject
- killplayer
- lastinv
- left
- lefthand
- listbans
- listplayers
- localport
- logaddress_add
- logaddress_remove
- logaddress_removeall
- logbatch
- logmaxflushrate
- logsplit
- logstamp
- lua
- luareset
- m249
- m3
- m4a1
- mac10
- makect
- makespec
- maket
- map
- mapinfo
- maps
- mapshadows
- mapsounds
- markplayer
- memory
- menuselect
- menu_lanscanport
- mp5
- mp_antispeeder
- mp_autogamemode
- mp_autoteambalance
- mp_building_health
- mp_building_limit
- mp_building_price
- mp_buymenu
- mp_buytime
- mp_c4timer
- mp_connectionlimit
- mp_curtailedexplosions
- mp_damagefactor
- mp_deathdrop
- mp_dispenser_health
- mp_dispenser_money
- mp_dmspawnmoney
- mp_dropgrenades
- mp_flashlight
- mp_floodprot
- mp_floodprotignoretime
- mp_freezetime
- mp_grenaderebuy
- mp_hostagepenalty
- mp_hovertext
- mp_hud
- mp_hudscale
- mp_idleaction
- mp_idlekick
- mp_idletime
- mp_infammo
- mp_kevlar
- mp_kickpercent
- mp_killbuildingmoney
- mp_killbuildings
- mp_killinfo
- mp_killteambuildings
- mp_lagcompensation
- mp_lagcompensationdivisor
- mp_localrconoutput
- mp_luamap
- mp_luaserver
- mp_mapgoalscore
- mp_mapvoteratio
- mp_maxclientsip
- mp_maxrconfails
- mp_natholepunching
- mp_pinglimit
- mp_postspawn
- mp_radar
- mp_randomspawn
- mp_recoil
- mp_reservations
- mp_respawndelay
- mp_roundlimit
- mp_roundtime
- mp_shotweakening
- mp_smokeblock
- mp_startmoney
- mp_supply_items
- mp_teamkillpenalty
- mp_teleportreload
- mp_tempbantime
- mp_timelimit
- mp_tkpunish
- mp_trace
- mp_turretdamage
- mp_unbuildable
- mp_unbuyable
- mp_vulnerablehostages
- mp_weaponfadeout
- mp_winlimit
- mp_wpndmg
- mp_wpndmg_z1
- mp_wpndmg_z2
- mp_zombiedmg
- mp_zombiekillequip
- mp_zombiekillscore
- mp_zombierecover
- mp_zombiespeedmod
- msg
- name
- netinfo
- nick
- nightvision
- nvgs
- p228
- p90
- particles
- playershadows
- quit
- radio1
- radio2
- radio3
- rcon
- rcon_password
- rcon_pw
- rebuy
- recoil
- relativemovement
- reload
- removeitem
- render3d
- renderdecals
- renderdecoration
- reroute
- resources
- restart
- restartround
- right
- say
- sayteam
- scout
- screenshot
- server
- serveraction1
- serveraction2
- serveraction3
- serverinfo
- setammo
- setarmor
- setassists
- setdeaths
- sethealth
- setmaxhealth
- setmoney
- setmvp
- setname
- setpos
- setscore
- setteamscores
- settile
- setweapon
- SG550
- sg552
- sgren
- shadows
- shadowshade_obstacle
- shadowshade_wall
- shadowz_obstacles
- shadowz_wall
- shadow_angle
- shadow_frameskipping
- shake
- shield
- showscores
- slap
- slot0
- slot1
- slot10
- slot2
- slot3
- slot4
- slot5
- slot6
- slot7
- slot8
- slot9
- snapshot
- sounddriver
- soundmode
- spawnitem
- spawnnpc
- spawnobject
- spawnplayer
- spawnprojectile
- specmode
- specplayer
- speed
- speedmod
- spray
- spraycolor
- spraylogo
- strip
- sv_checkusgnlogin
- sv_daylighttime
- sv_forcelight
- sv_fow
- sv_friendlyfire
- sv_gamemode
- sv_gm
- sv_hostport
- sv_lan
- sv_map
- sv_maptransfer
- sv_maxplayers
- sv_msg
- sv_msg2
- sv_name
- sv_offscreendamage
- sv_password
- sv_rcon
- sv_rconusers
- sv_restart
- sv_restartround
- sv_sound
- sv_sound2
- sv_soundpos
- sv_specmode
- sv_spraytransfer
- sv_stopsound
- sv_usgnonly
- team
- tileanimations
- tmp
- transfer_speed
- trigger
- triggerposition
- ump45
- unban
- unbanall
- unbindall
- use
- usgn_addserver
- usgn_info
- usgn_pw
- usgn_user
- usp
- vest
- vesthelm
- visibleshots
- volume
- vote
- votemap
- votemenu
- weapon
- wiggle
- win
- xm1014
- use tile animations (0/1): are certain tiles animated?
This activates or deactivates tile animations. They are used for animated water on maps for example.
Tile animations can slow down the map loading process because all animations have to be precalculated. Moreover they can waste a lot of video memory.
Disable tile animations if you have a slow system!
Lua Hooks
Lua Commands
- use tile animations (0/1): are certain tiles animated?
This activates or deactivates tile animations. They are used for animated water on maps for example.
Tile animations can slow down the map loading process because all animations have to be precalculated. Moreover they can waste a lot of video memory.
Disable tile animations if you have a slow system!
Tile animations can slow down the map loading process because all animations have to be precalculated. Moreover they can waste a lot of video memory.
Disable tile animations if you have a slow system!